Green Procurement

Toshiba Group Green Procurement Guidelines

It is essential to consider the environment throughout the entire supply chain to realize Toshiba Group's long term environmental vision “Environmental Future Vision 2050.” Toshiba Group gives high priority to promoting green procurement, which aims to procure products, parts, components, materials, services, etc. with minimal environmental impact from suppliers that proactively promote environmental management, and is promoting green procurement in countries around the world in cooperation with suppliers. The guidelines present Toshiba Group's basic concept of green procurement and the specific content of our requests to suppliers.
Please download the PDF file from the following link to read Toshiba Group Green Procurement Guidelines.
Due to industry trends and other circumstances, the details of requests to suppliers may differ among Toshiba Group companies or divisions. Details are shown in the green procurement guidelines issued by the relevant Toshiba Group company, division, operations, complex, factory etc., who is in charge of procurement transactions with suppliers.

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